
People are weird. It’s interesting how much we project ourselves onto others, as well as the aspects or qualities (good or bad) that we wish they contained.

Pretty deep, eh? Anyway, here are some people I have painted, including myself.

Dawn Chorus, 2023

Copied Self-Portrait, 2020

I’ve made the wrong choice, 2024

ED/SW, 2017

December 6th, 2023

coping, 2021

Pilate, 2021

“Because at the end of the day sometimes you just feel like God put another anvil on your back and that the best thing to do would be to fall forward and let it crush your ribs, just give in right there. But as long as there is some sort of harmony going on with another being, if another being is creating some music or conversation, even if it’s harmony about this momentary or permanent bleak existence, it can give color and nuance and vitality to something that seems like it would inherently be the opposite. Like, there is no way you could make darkness fun. But there is. You can”, 2017

I have come, I will go, just the same, 2023

Parenting, No Clue When I Did This

Weekend Weatherly, 2009

A Little Life (With Weekend Weatherly), 2019

A Little Life (With Pearl Jam Dorm Poster), 2019

Matejko’s Stańczyk, Will, and the Wacissa, 2015

Matejko’s Stańczyk, Will, and the Wacissa, 2015

Colossus, 2021
Copied painting from a piece called the Long Shadow (1805)

Le Petit Dubs, 2012

Le Petit Séa, 2016

Stay together for the kids, 2020

Brother is Gone, 2020

Tom, 2019

I really f*cked this up, 2020

Birdman, 2020

Adjusting, 2020

Click ‘Next’ below for paintings of animals